Minto-Brown Island Park

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Go to the Oregon Birding Trails Website for a detailed description of this site. Choose the Willamette Valley Birding Trail. Click on the Trail Guide and choose the Willamette Loop Guide. Section W-2.


Habitat and Birds

A mix of open fields, woodlands, backwater sloughs and riparian areas along the Willamette River, this 898-acre park provides some of the best birding in the Salem area year-round. There are three parking areas, with the best birding around #1 (near the park entrance) and #3 (near the river). See the park map above for info on trails.

Osprey, Bald Eagle and Great Blue Heron nest on site. The park is especially good for migrant songbirds in spring, nesting songbirds (including Lazuli Bunting and Wrentit) in summer, and waterfowl, sparrows and finches in winter.
