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Suttle Lake

Jefferson County | Sisters North

Large Lake surrounded by forest. Key Species: Common Loon, Horned Grebe, Eared Grebe, Western Grebe, Common Goldeneye, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Hooded Merganser, Bald Eagle, Black-backed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Canada Jay, Chestnut-backe...

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Taft Waterfront Park

Lincoln County | Lincoln City Area

Check Salishan Spit for Western, Glaucous-winged, Thayer’s, Herring, California, Ring-billed, or Heermann’s Gulls. Caspian Terns are pretty common here as well in summer. In the bay look for Common, Pacific, and Red-throated Loons (Yel...

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Talking Water Gardens

Linn County | Albany/lebanon Area

This Park is located near the Willamette River and the associated forested area can be very productive. Migrating passerines use the Willamette as a highway north and south. Waterfowl use these ponds extensively and the vegetation around each pond...

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Telocaset Lane

Union County | Southeast Area

Telocaset Lane goes through dry canyons, riparian strips, and farmland. Look for Chukar, Gray Partridge, Canyon Wren, and sage species. Rough-legged Hawks are common most winters. Wind farms have been established in this area and it is unclear wha...

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Tetherow Crossing

Deschutes County | Redmond Area

The Deschutes River flows through an accessible riparian area surrounded by juniper woodland. Although Canyon Wrens, Northern Orioles and Black-headed Grosbeaks breed in this area, this location is primarily a migrant spot, similar to Lower Bridge...

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Texas Bar Road (FR 55)

Umatilla County | Ukiah Area

This road passes through the Tower Burn, mixed conifer forests, and riparian habitats. The Tower Burn occurred in Sep. 1996, and forest succession is well underway in 2022. The burn now has many very dense stands of coniferous regrowth. Birds you ...

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The Narrows

Harney County | Central/lower Refuge

Although Malheur and Harney Lakes are relatively permanent water sources, the water levels fluctuate greatly from year to year and season to season. When Malheur lake fills, it overflows into Mud and Harney lakes by way of The Narrows. In extreme ...

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The Oregon Garden

Marion County | North Of Salem

While most of the site consists of manicured gardens, there are also significant areas of oak and conifer woodlands, grassy and brushy areas, and marshy areas with a series of small ponds. More than 125 species of birds have been found here, inclu...

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Thief Valley Reservoir

Baker County | North County

Habitat and Birds: Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, a dozen other duck species, grebes, Great Egret, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Spotted Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpip...

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Thief Valley Reservoir

Union County | Southeast Area

Snow Goose, Canada Goose, Trumpeter Swan, Tundra Swan, Eurasian Wigeon, a dozen other duck species, grebes, Great Egret, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Spotted Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, several species...

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Thorn Prairie

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

Habitat: unique eastside Cascade vegetation, white thornbrush, lodgepole pine, mixed conifer.

Birds: best place in county for Calliope Hummingbird and Green-tailed Towhee, Dusky Flycatcher, Black-backed Woodpecker, other woodpeckers, Wester...

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Tillamook Area

Tillamook County | Tillamook Bay Area

Boquist Rd. and nearby Suppress Rd. pass through dairy pastureland, willow thicket, and wetland habitats. Both can be birded from the road. A good area to park, then walk is located just south of the junction of Boquist and Squee...

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Timber Area

Washington County | Coast Range

The target bird here is Hammond’s Flycatcher. They breed here under the closed canopy in the otherwise very open forest created by removing all undergrowth (see photo). I found 10 Hammond’s and 10 Pacific-slope Flycatchers here on the ...

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Timothy Lake

Clackamas County | Cascade Mountain Locations

This area is high lakes birding.  The lake is surrounded by mixed conifers.  In the late fall, you might find migrating waterfowl.  Among the more common ducks there will be the occasional Greater Scaup, Surf and White-winged Scoter, BarrowR...

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Toketee Lake

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

Habitat: lake, river, riparian, marshy pond (other side of FR 34), mixed conifer.

Birds: Bald Eagle, Osprey, Willow Flycatcher, Spotted Sandpiper, both goldeneyes, waterfowl, Yellow Warbler, American Dipper, Common Yellowthroat,


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Tom Pearce Park

Josephine County | Grants Pass Area

Like most of the local “river parks” this one can be good for migrating birds in the spring and fall and waterfowl associated with the river. Check the large trees in the park and the riverfront areas for birds attracted to the river. ...

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Toolbox Meadows

Douglas County | Cascade Mountains Area

Mid-elevation riparian, lodgepole pine, and mixed conifer forest;

many dead trees provide habitat for woodpeckers; White-headed Woodpecker has occurred; Barrow’s Goldeneye on lake; Olive-sided, Dusky, and Hammond’s Flycatchers, Soot...

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Torvend Rd Pond

Marion County | North Of Salem

This is a deep-water pond in winter/spring/early summer and a mudflat/shallow pond in late summer/fall, with open fields and wooded areas nearby. Waterfowl (winter, spring) and shorebirds (summer) are the main attractions.

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Jackson County | North County Sites

This area is famous for having produced a credible Nuttall’s Woodpecker. Anyone birding this area should keep this in mind. Where there is one…… Most of the other birding in this area is typical mountain birding in mixed conifer ...

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Trail Fork Rd.

Gilliam County | Condon Area

At the turn off Hwy. 19, Trail Fork Rd. follows along Thirtymile Creek east for approx. 2.4 miles. This section of the road is a riparian area with some steep cliff walls. Yellow-Breasted Chat, Long-Eared Owl, White-Throated Swifts, Virginia Rail,...

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Trojan Park

Columbia County | Ranier Area

There are a few ponds and a cottonwood gallery forest with walking trails for woodland birds. Ponds hold ducks and the occasional Horned Grebe. Bald Eagles nest in the area. You can also walk north along a paved trail that will take you to a blind...

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Trout Creek Swamp

Deschutes County | Sisters Area

You will pass through manzanita scrub and burned/unburned pine forest on the way to the swamp. This is a good place to see Fox Sparrow, Lazuli Bunting, Green Tailed Towhee, Sooty Grouse and Mountain Quail. This area burned in 2006 and should be ch...

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Tumalo Falls

Deschutes County | Bend Area

This area consists of mixed forest of various evergreens. This whole area is good for summer species like Common Poorwill, Flammulated Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, Canada Jay and other forest nesters. Black Swifts have been seen occasi...

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