Project Description
Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) has suffered significant long-term population declines rangewide (over 80%) – the steepest decline of any bird in North America (Breeding Bird Survey 2023) While population trends in Oregon appear more stable than in the rest of its range, survey numbers indicate they may still be in a slight decline. Because of their decline rangewide, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) was recently petitioned to list it under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This process will include a rangewide status review to determine whether Pinyon Jay warrants listing as an endangered or threatened species under the ESA.
Why We Do This and What We Have Learned
Pinyon Jays are understudied here in Central Oregon, and in addition, little is known about their life history and behavior. We know that they are associated with our Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Juniper (Juniperus sp.) woodland vegetation types, but seasonal use of these habitats is still poorly understood.
What Volunteers Do
To gather information for a rangewide status review, the USFWS and ECBA are partnering to set up a volunteer monitoring program to help survey for nesting Pinyon Jays in areas within and surrounding Bend, Sisters and Redmond. Volunteers are being trained to use an app to collect presence and absence data on Pinyon Jays in Central Oregon. More about this Survey App can be learned at:
Project Focus Areas
- Bird Conservation
- Endangered/Threatened Species
- Ecological Study
- Behavioral Study
- Activism/Advocacy
- Population Monitoring
- Community Engagement
Would You Like to Volunteer?
To volunteer for the project, email your contact information to ECBA at Please put “Pinyon Jay Project” on the subject line.
Pinyon Jay Banding Project History
Other Projects
- Bluebird Nest Box Project
- Cabin Lake Bird Blind
- Deschutes Land Trust / ECBA Bird Surveys
- Don and Lowell Franks Nest Box Project
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Project Support
- Golden Eagle Nest Camera on Whychus Creek
- Greater Sage-Grouse Project
- Kestrel Nest Box Project
- Lake Abert Coalition Bird Survey
- Summer Lake Shorebird Survey
- Vaux’s Swift Migration Survey
- Winter Raptor Surveys