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Volunteer Opportunity for Summer Lake Shorebird Survey
Saturday & Sunday, May 31 and June 1, 2025 at the Summer Lake Wildlife area. Volunteers conduct counts of all shorebirds and other waterbirds (excluding waterfowl and American coots) across the entire Summer Lake Wildlife Area.
Birding by Ear Weekly Walk Returns
It must be spring! To the delight of many local birders, Dave Tracy has once again kicked-off spring by leading the weekly bird walk, BIRDING BY EAR. Learn to identify the birds you hear, practice your ear-birding skills, or share your talents with others during this weekly walk in the riverside park. Photo courtesy of Chuck Gates.
Harney County Migratory Bird Festival 2025
Spend an amazing weekend witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of Southeast Oregon at the Harney County Migratory Bird Festival.
The Pinyon Jay
Here in Central Oregon, for over 10 years, ECBA volunteer Kevin Smith has invested his time and inspired others to report sitings of Pinyon Jays, and over the last 5 years Ken Hashagen, together with Kevin, have helped provide banding data to ODFW and the USGS Birding Lab. Now ECBA volunteers and the USFWS have an exciting opportunity to work together to study these birds in a brand new way! Photo courtesy of Abbott Schindler
Are you an ECBA Volunteer ?
ECBA now uses Track it Forward to help volunteers keep track of volunteer time
Greater Sage-Grouse Project progress 2023-2024
Late last October, 2023 about twenty ECBA volunteers rendezvoused at the ECBA Brothers Project, just north of Highway 20 and about forty miles east of Bend, to begin creating the largest demonstration of native forb restoration in the Great Basin. All photos courtesy of Stu Garrett and Josh Collins
Pollinator Pathway Bend
Facing threats like habitat loss, disease, invasive species and a changing climate, Central Oregon's birds, bats, bees, butterflies and moths need your help! Photo courtesy of Barb Rumer
Fourth Annual Bird Days of Summer
Join Bird Alliance of Oregon for their Fourth Annual Bird Days of Summer with a series of free and laid back outings, perfect for nature lovers of all ages. These 10 events are located in Harney County and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Birding by Ear Weekly Walk Returns
It must be spring! Birding by Ear in Sawyer Park returns. Photo courtesy of Jim Moodie
Join a Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a census of birds in the Western Hemisphere, performed annually in the early Northern-hemisphere winter by volunteer birdwatchers and administered by the National Audubon Society